Auctions are a very logical and time-proven way to buy or sell just about anything, including real property (houses, land, commercial buildings) or merchandise (furniture, antiques, vehicles, tractors, toys, etc.). It allows sellers to get top dollar for their property, and it allows buyers to pay as much or as little as they want for any item. If you are the top bidder on an item, you become the proud owner of that item (after paying for it, of course!).
Some folks may not know how an auction works, but it’s really very simple: Items are made available for sale and potential buyers place bids on those items. There is typically a preview period before the auction starts during which you can inspect the items for sale and determine how much you might be willing to pay for a particular item.
If you just want to observe an auction without bidding, you may certainly do so. In fact, visiting an auction or two is the best way to learn how it works. We get visitors all the time, and we welcome each of them!
If you plan to bid on any item during an auction – or if there is any possibility you might bid on an item:
Some folks may not know how an auction works, but it’s really very simple: Items are made available for sale and potential buyers place bids on those items. There is typically a preview period before the auction starts during which you can inspect the items for sale and determine how much you might be willing to pay for a particular item.
If you just want to observe an auction without bidding, you may certainly do so. In fact, visiting an auction or two is the best way to learn how it works. We get visitors all the time, and we welcome each of them!
If you plan to bid on any item during an auction – or if there is any possibility you might bid on an item:
- Register with the clerk upon arrival.
- Provide your driver’s license or two forms of photo identification.
- The Clerk will scan your driver’s license into our auction software and issue you a bidder card/number.